10th December 2024

Patients of Banbridge Group Surgery have benefited from additional services as a result of an extension to their premises which has been funded by the Primary Care Infrastructure Team.

From left, Dr Julie Mockford (GP Partner), Emma McAllister (Practice Manager), Martin Hayes (Programme Director PCID)
The extension of the practice means that it now has capacity to fully facilitate the rollout of the Multidisciplinary team (MDT) initiative to the Newry and District Federation area.
The multi-disciplinary team includes a pharmacist, physiotherapist, mental health practitioners and social workers who work alongside GPs and Nursing staff. The MDT model aims to deliver more services closer to patients’ homes.
Martin Hayes, Programme Director said: “Supporting investment in GP practices is a key priority for the DoH. Approximately £10.1 million of funding has been provided across the Southern Health and Social Care Trust area in the last five years, to increase capacity within primary care premises. I was delighted to visit the practice to see and hear about the significant benefits of the investment.”
The total funding provided to Banbridge Group Surgery is circa £900k and the extension was completed in January 2024.
The new extension comprises two physio rooms, three interview rooms, an admin office, a multi-purpose MDT staff or meeting room, along with associated ancillary space such as accessible toilets, waiting and circulation space.
Banbridge Group Surgery currently provides services for around 22,076 patients.
Dr Julie Mockford, GP Partner at Banbridge Group Surgery said:

From left, Claire McNally Assistant Director of Primary Care, Ailis Doyle, First Contact Physiotherapy Practitioner, Martina McAloon, Service Manager for Social Work, Gemma O’Donnell, First Contact Physiotherapy Practitioner, Deidre Magill, MDT Project Manager, Denise Hall Consultant Physiotherapist and Shauna Corbett, First Contact Physiotherapy Practitioner
‘Doctors, staff and patients are all delighted with the development of our new extension, which was taken forward by the Banbridge Group Surgery GPs and funding from the Department of Health. This extension has provided more space to help accommodate some members of our multidisciplinary team, including physiotherapists, social workers, mental health practitioners and pharmacists, bringing these services to our patients, based in their own community. The significant benefits of MDT input for our patients to date, is a testimony to the importance of investment in primary care, and with all three practices facilitating the training of Queen’s University Belfast medical students too, we are taking important steps in future proofing General Practice.’