Network Structure
The Diabetes Network for NI is made up of a Diabetes Network Programme Board supported by a Network Executive and the following regional, local, sub groups and task and finish groups:
- Regional Groups (links to the Programme Board) –
- Primary Care Liaison Group,
- Paediatrics Network,
- Communications Group.
- Local Groups (links to the Programme Board) –
- Belfast, Northern, South Eastern, Southern & Western Health and Social Care (HSC) Trusts,
- Locality HSC Trust Collectives.
- Sub Groups and Task and Finish Groups (these are short time bound groups to support particular pieces of work as required to support innovation – reports to the Network Executive and Board)
- diabetes foot care,
- diabetes in pregnancy,
- inpatients,
- young adults,
- structured diabetes education,
- prevention,
- data,
- new models of care,
- digital, and
- workforce/training.
Each Network Sub-group and Network Forum has a dedicated Network Chair (see below).
Sub-group and Forum chairs
Working Group |
Chair |
Departmental Regional Oversight Group | Professor Sir Michael McBride, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health (DoH) |
Network Board | Jennifer Welsh, Chief Executive, Northern Health and Social Care Trust |
Network Executive | Vacant |
Chairs Forum | Vacant |
Data and Standards | Joanne McKissick, Diabetes Network Lead |
Workforce, Education and Training | Vacant |
Foot Care | Jennifer Madden, Consultant Podiatrist in Diabetes |
Inpatients Care | Dr Anthony Lewis, Consultant Endocrinology and Diabetes, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust |
New Models of Care | Dr Elaine King GP (Southern Area), Diabetes Network Deputy Clinical Director |
Patient Education | Donna Hanlon, Practice Nurse (Northern Area) |
Diabetes in Pregnancy | Dr Ciara Mulligan, Consultant Endocrinologist, South Eastern HSC Trust |
Prevention of Type 2 disease | Vacant |
Young Adults | To be confirmed |
Digital Technology to support people living with diabetes | Dr Paul McMullan, Consultant Endocrinology and Diabetes |
Regional Primary Care | Dr Elaine King |
Communications | Joanne McKissick, Diabetes Network Lead |
Regional Paediatric Network | Dr Joanne McClean, Consultant, Public Health Agency (PHA) |
Ambulance Service Pathways | Sophie Lusby, Strategic Planning and Performance Group |
Effective involvement
The Network recently welcomed 28 people living with diabetes as members of our network working groups and are supporting them to share their lived experience in partnership with Diabetes UK.
People living with diabetes are represented across our programme structure, contributing to improving treatment and care for people living with diabetes in Northern Ireland.
Diabetes Network Members – service users and carers
As a member of our network service user and carers representatives contribute to decision making and share their experience to help improve diabetes services in NI.
Members of the Network work in partnership with Specialist Diabetes Consultants, Doctors, Diabetes Specialist Nurses and Dietitians, GPs, Pharmacists, Podiatrists, Midwives and Diabetes Service Managers.
This voluntary role includes a package of full support and training.
Diabetes Network Programme Office team members
Clinical Director – Vacant
Commissioning Lead – Ms Sophie Lusby
Programme Lead – Joanne McKissick